Become a regular

Our regulars are what make our service. We offer discounts for those travelling with us regularly, and to stay competitive with the other options people have to travel.

Concession ticket

If you travel with us regularly for transport, it’s a great idea to purchase a concession ticket - this saves you 25% of the normal price.

Concession Tickets: $15:00

Concession Tickets provide 10 adult or 20 youth one way trips. It’s the same ticket whether you’re an adult or a youth, only that we clip the ticket twice for adults, and once for youth. Tickets can be shared among a family or group (excepting half price Community Services Card concession tickets)


We offer a few special discounts at the elevator for locals:

  • Community Services Card Discount - 50% all fares and concession tickets.*

  • Free Youth Trips with bicycles or scooters - For many years, Whanganui District Council has offered free fares down for local youth travelling with a bike, scooter or similar. This is to encourage our rangatahi not to ride down our steep paths and roads.

  • Free trips for the school run. Want to walk or bicycle your children to school?
    If you’re helping them get to or from school, you’ll only pay for your child’s trip, not your own.

*Please note that a CSC concession ticket cannot be shared, while a full price ticket can.